What to include in your application - BBSRC


Case for support

The case for support should be a self-contained description of the proposed project with its content relevant background, and should not depend on additional information.

Lists of references and illustrations should be included in the page limit and should not be submitted as additional documents or as an annex. You must not include URLs to web resources in order to extend your case for support.

The case for support’s page length, format and content can change depending on the specific funding call. Always check the specific funding call guidance so that you understand the requirements your proposal must follow.

The case for support should include the following.


This section should:

  • introduce the topic of research and explain its academic and wider context
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of past and current work in the subject area both in the UK and abroad.

Programme and methodology

This section should:

  • identify the overall aims of the project and the individual measurable objectives against which you would wish the outcome of the work to be assessed. This should refer to the objectives set out in the proposal form
  • detail the methodology to be used in pursuit of the research and justify this choice
  • explain why the proposed project is of sufficient timeliness and novelty to warrant consideration for funding
  • describe the programme of work, indicating the research to be undertaken and the milestones that can be used to measure its progress. The detail should be sufficient to indicate the programme of work for each member of the research team
  • explain how the project will be managed.


References should appear in a list at the end of the case for support and be linked to relevant text by, for example, sequential numbering and superscript reference numbers embedded in the body of the document.

The citation of preprints is acceptable, see use of preprints in BBSRC-funded research.

Within the list of references, URL links to relevant publications or online resources are allowed as long as they do not extend the case for support.



Email: policy@bbsrc.ukri.org

Last updated: 17 August 2021

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