We share some contact information with UK Research and Innovation. This includes contact details to:
- get advice on your grant (including Je-S and post award)
- make a freedom of information request
- make a request for personal information
- make a complaint
- report fraud
- contact the media team
- contact an international office
- make a general enquiry.
NERC head office
We are based in the Swindon office.
Find out more information on the office address, how to get there and parking available.
General enquiries
Telephone: 01793 411500
If you know the name of the person you wish to contact
Email: firstname.lastname@nerc.ukri.org.
Peer review
Find more information about our Peer Review College.
Funding enquiries
Contacts for advice on any aspect of pre-award processing and peer review of NERC proposals and NERC funding awards policy.
Research grants
Email: researchgrants@nerc.ukri.org
Peer Review College
Email: college@nerc.ukri.org
Email: fellowships@nerc.ukri.org
Email: researchcareers@nerc.ukri.org
Contact us at an early stage if you’re not sure whether your proposed research fits the NERC remit. You can send an outline of the proposed research by sending the remit enquiry form (up to two pages, including summary and objectives) to:
Email: nercremit@nerc.ukri.org
If we think the proposal includes multidisciplinary cross-council elements, we will forward the outline to other research councils as appropriate, unless you request us not to do so.
Science areas
Atmospheric and polar
Lizzie Garratt, Head of Research (atmospheric and polar)
Email: lizzie.garratt@nerc.ukri.org
Simon Howe, Senior Programme Manager (atmospheric)
Email: simon.howe@nerc.ukri.org
Earth, energy, and resources
Sarah Newport, Head of Research (earth, energy and resources)
Email: sarah.newport@nerc.ukri.org
Charlotte Hawkins, Senior Programme Manager (circular economy)
Email: charlotte.hawkins@nerc.ukri.org
Daniel Knight, Senior Programme Manager
Email: daniel.knight@nerc.ukri.org
Luke Williams, Programme Manager
Email: luke.williams@nerc.ukri.org
Celine Jaber, Programme Manager
Email: celine.jaber@nerc.ukri.org
Resilient environment
Wendy Matcham, Head of Research (resilient environment)
Email: wendy.matcham@nerc.ukri.org
Michelle Manning, Senior Programme Manager
Email: michelle.manning@nerc.ukri.org
Kay Heuser, Senior Programme Manager
Email: kay.heuser@nerc.ukri.org
Mike Webb, Head of Research (marine)
Email: michael.webb@nerc.ukri.org
Jessica Surma, Senior Programme Manager
Email: jessica.surma@nerc.ukri.org
Nicola Lewis, Programme Manager
Email: nicola.lewis@nerc.ukri.org
Earth, terrestrial and freshwater
Simon Kerley, Head of Research (terrestrial ecosystems)
Email: simon.kerley@nerc.ukri.org
Weihao Zhong, Senior Programme Manager (terrestrial ecosystems)
Email: weihao.zhong@nerc.ukri.org
Liz Rowse, Senior Programme Manager
Email: liz.rowse@nerc.ukri.org
Lucy Hopewell, Programme Manager
Email: lucy.hopewell@nerc.ukri.org
Jennifer Wickens, Programme Manager
Email: jennifer.wickens@nerc.ukri.org
DeAnna Cardoza, Programme Manager
Email: deanna.cardoza@nerc.ukri.org
Last updated: 20 February 2024